Stock Location
This screen is used to create/edit/view the Stock Locations, ie the store rooms where stock is held. See Concepts|Stock Control for background.
The fields are as follows:
Name - the name of the stock location. This will appear on various reports and documents so it should be set as you want it to appear.
Description - used to clarify the name if necessary
Active - uncheck this box to deactivate the stock location
The Default Author tab is used to view and maintain the user set as the author of stock management transactions generated by the system. It is possible to set an normal user for this, but it is better to create a special user - as is shown in the screen shot above.
Below is the Locations tab. Use this to set the Practice Locations to which this stock location belongs. One stock location can be used by multiple practice locations, but a practice location cannot have more than one stock location. Note that you can have a stock location not attached to a practice location, but it is of little use since all you can do is use the Products|Stock Management|Stock Transfer transaction to transfer items to it. However, you could use this as a mechanism to keep a record of written-off stock, ie create a stock location called Write-offs unlinked to any practice location, and transfer written-off stock to it.
Below is the Products tab. It is normally used just to view the products at the stock location and their stock details. You can used it to add products to this location and set their stock details - but this is normally done via the Products|Information screen. Note that in order to show the product details, you must click on the product line in order to get the details to show.
For the field meanings, see here.