Create/Edit Estimate
This is the window used to create and edit estimates.
The fields in the header are as follows:
Date - the date of the estimate - defaults to today
Title - enter a short useful description
Expiry Date - the date until which the estimate is valid
Notes - any pertinent notes - this will appear on the printed estimate
Low Total, High Total - the low and high total amounts for the estimate
Printed - this box will be checked after the estimate has been printed
Status - can be set to Cancelled, Completed, Finalised, In Progress or Invoiced. The initial setting is Completed. See the table below.
Clinician - set to the appropriate person
The fields in the Items tab are as follows:
Patient - this is a mandatory field
Product - this is also mandatory
Low & High Qty - the low and high quantities of the product
Fixed Price - the product's fixed price
Low & High Unit Price - the low and high unit prices
Low & High Discount - the low and high discount amounts
Print - this box is displayed if an item can be suppressed in the printed Estimate. This only applies to items with a zero Low and High Total
Low & High Total - these show the low and high totals
For details of the Customer Notes tab, see here.
Status | Meaning | Set by |
Cancelled | has been cancelled | manually |
Completed | no further changes expected | initial default |
Finalised | no further changes allowed | press Finalise |
In Progress | still being worked on | manually |
Invoiced | an invoice has been created from this | press Invoice |