Create/Edit Estimate

This is the window used to create and edit estimates.

The fields in the header are as follows:
Date - the date of the estimate - defaults to today
Title - enter a short useful description
Expiry Date - the date until which the estimate is valid
Notes - any pertinent notes - this will appear on the printed estimate
Low Total, High Total - the low and high total amounts for the estimate
Printed - this box will be checked after the estimate has been printed
Status - can be set to Cancelled, Completed, Finalised, In Progress or Invoiced. The initial setting is Completed. See the table below.
Clinician - set to the appropriate person

The fields in the Items tab are as follows:
Patient - this is a mandatory field
Product - this is also mandatory
Low & High Qty - the low and high quantities of the product
Fixed Price - the product's fixed price
Low & High Unit Price - the low and high unit prices
Low & High Discount - the low and high discount amounts
Print - this box is displayed if an item can be suppressed in the printed Estimate. This only applies to items with a zero Low and High Total
Low & High Total
- these show the low and high totals

For details of the Customer Notes tab, see here.

Status Meanings

Status Meaning Set by
Cancelled has been cancelled manually
Completed no further changes expected initial default
Finalised no further changes allowed press Finalise
In Progress still being worked on manually
Invoiced an invoice has been created from this press Invoice
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