1.7 Poor message if try to add duplicate user

We happen to use 2 character login names (in hindsight probably a poor decision).

Today tried to add in new user with name 'dl' - but there was a (deactivated) user already in the system with this name.  The error message is:

It was only when I looked at the openvpms log file that I could see '..attempt to add duplicate .. dl'

I think that we need to explicit tell the user that they are attempting to add a new user with a login name that is already in use.


Regards, Tim G

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Re: 1.7 Poor message if try to add duplicate user

This is probably an instance of https://openvpms.atlassian.net/browse/OVPMS-1462

Re: 1.7 Poor message if try to add duplicate user

'probably' - I would say an exact duplicate.

I have tweaked the 1.7 and 1.8 CSH text to now read as follows:

I must admit that I do not want the priority of fixing 1462 - I am certain that there are far more critical things to do.

However, that brings up the question of 'known problems'.  Should we have a link to 'Known Problems in 1.7' that uses the same sort of Jira filter that you built to show the 1.7.1 fixes.  I had a quick play with the search facility - two problems: some problems are classed as 'improvements' - 1462 is; and I am not sure that I would have recognised the problem as matching 1462's  summary 'Check for unique user name before saving users'.

Hence I suspect that a known problems list  would not be as useful as it might be.

Regards, Tim G

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