1.7.1B 6010 Suppliers|Deliveries|New missing help

The screen created by OVPMS-1435 does not have attached help - ie if you press Alt F1, nothing happens.

My inclination is to Jira this but not implement for 1.7.1 - wait for 1.8

I only found the problem because I was checking each 1.7.1 fix for CSH implications.

Regards, Tim G

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Re: 1.7.1B 6010 Suppliers|Deliveries|New missing help

I think the dialog is self explanatory - "You must select a Supplier."

For completeness though, Alt-F1 should probably launch something. Did you expect it to launch a new help URL, or just point back to http://www.openvpms.org/documentation/csh/1.7/supplier/delivery/select ?

Re: 1.7.1B 6010 Suppliers|Deliveries|New missing help


a( you are correct - there error message should not have a CSH page - the meaning is b.obvious

b) I cannot duplicate what I thought was the problem - ie the Delivery|New select page did not invoke CSh when you pressed Alt-F1.  But is does - http://www.openvpms.org/documentation/csh/1.7/supplier/delivery/select

[I think I know what the problem was - the 'Open Link in New Tab' addon I use for Firefox did not open the new page under some conditions - but I have updated the addon and tweaked its options and it now works as expected.]

I apologise for wrongly reporting the problem.

Regards, Tim G

Re: 1.7.1B 6010 Suppliers|Deliveries|New missing help

No probs. The error dialog doesn't display any help when Alt-F1 is pressed, but the parent dialog (Delivery|New select) does.

Note that in Firefox, if you have a help window open already, and it is behind your main browser window, pressing Alt-F1 again doesn't bring it to the top.

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