Price updates

Hello... so I exported the prices for idexx and then closed off the date for the unit price. Then imported this to open.

ie closed off the old price on 14/3/2022

Manually worked out the new unit price for each product and added that to the spread sheet with the new start date 15/3/2022, and imported this....


When I uploaded the new spread sheet with the new start date it deleted the old information ending on the 14/3/2022


One of the reason I did the close off dates and start dates is to keep a record of previous prices... but it did not work out that way and just looking for some insight as to where I went wrong?


Thanks Anna

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Re: Price updates

Hi Anna,

If you're wanting the old prices to be visible there's a couple of processes that have been missed.

We recommend copying the exported csv file into another sheet.  Then you remove the Fixed Price ID & Unit price ID.  You then add a formula that looks to Sheet1 and adds a percentage increase and a rounding formula.

You then need to update the date for the fixed price & unit Price.

What this does when imported into OpenVPMS is updates the prices, closes off the old date i.e 23/3/2022 and then starts a new date of 23/3/2022 with the new price.

Please Note:  I used OpenOffice for the price Increases and the formula - =IF(Sheet1!E2>0,ROUND(Sheet1!E2*1.1,2),"") I had to use semi colon instead of commas otherwise I received an error.  New formula here -  =IF(Sheet1.M2>0;ROUND(Sheet1.M2*1.1;2);"") .  You would need to change the percentage to suit your needs.  In this example it's 10% and rounded to 2 decimal places.  The original formula may work if using Excel.

There's some additional information here:

It'll look like the below.

If you need any further help email support[at]openvpms[dot]com. We also have a full Instruction on this process if you need it. Thanks Lisa


Lisa Vanden Berg

OpenVPMS - Implementer/Support

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