Would like to add a 'printed name' field to security.user.adl

I would like to add a ‘Printed Name’ field to the security.user.adl

ie insert:

        <node name="printedName" path="/details/printedName" type="java.lang.String" displayName="Printed Name"/>

after the current description node.

This is designed for use when you want to print the clinician’s (or any other user’s) name with their full qualifications – eg Dr Joe Bloggs MA VetMB MRCVS

We already do this. We use the ‘short names’ approach – ie the Full Name is set to the clinician’s initials (eg JB), the Description to their name with title but no qualifications (eg Dr Joe Bloggs), and with ‘Printed Name’ set as above.

The reason I would like an official ‘Printed Name’ field is that I am renovating the standard documents, and would like to put a good ‘official looking’ name on the clinician who generated the Estimate. I will also update the standard Patient Documents to use this rather than the current  clinician.entity.name

The migration SQL could be tweaked to set the Printer Name to the current Description using the following SQL:

insert into entity_details (entity_id, type, value, name)
from entities e
join entity_classifications ec on ec.entity_id = e.entity_id
join lookups l on l.lookup_id = ec.lookup_id
left join entity_details ed on ed.entity_id = e.entity_id
   and ed.name ='printedName'
where e.arch_short_name = 'security.user'
and l.code = 'CLINICIAN'
and isNull(ed.value);

Regards, Tim G

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Re: Would like to add a 'printed name' field to ...

In the 5 databases I've just looked at, the name field contains:

  • the full name e.g. John Doe
  • the title and name e.g. Dr Sue Smith
  • the title, name and qualifications e.g. Dr Pam Smith BVSc (Hons), BAppSc
  • initials for clinicians, and full names for everyone else

The description is either:

  • not set
  • the title, name and qualifications e.g. Dr Pam Smith BVSc (Hons), BAppSc
  • the qualifications/job description e.g:
    • BVSc, M.Med.Vet (Surgery) - N1234
    • Veterinary Nurse

Given the lack of a common approach on how the name and description have been used, I think a printedName node is fine, but should default to empty. If one is not present, fall back to the name node.

Re: Would like to add a 'printed name' field to ...

OK - that means we need no migration and I will write the jrxml code to use printedName if set else name.

Do you want me to build the JIRA?

Regards, Tim G

Re: Would like to add a 'printed name' field to ...

Yes please.

Re: Would like to add a 'printed name' field to ...

I going to chime in here before you go to far

You could add a printedName


you could add a Qualifications node ie ( B.V.Sc or D.V.M)

I have added a RegCode field and a RegState field (which is a lookup) these are how australia registers vets (obviously localized)

then you have

Name / Desc / Qual / RegCode / RegState

And clinics can access it however they want.


OpenVPMS Installer and Helper 
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Email: info[at]charltonit.com[dot]au

Re: Would like to add a 'printed name' field to ...

Ben - the qualifications field is a neat idea, and if we were starting over this would be the way to go.

However, as Tim A has indicated there is a wide variety of ways people have used the various user name fields.

From my point of view (trying to get something that one can print and something that is globally applicable) it seems to me that the 'printed name' concept, (although it will almost certainly hold some duplicated information) does allow a user to specifically determine how things will appear when one wants an 'official' name on a document - and it is the user's choice as to whether this includes qualifications and registration data, and how the name is spelt (ie Dr Ben Charlton or Dr Benjamin Charlton - or in my case Tim Gething or James Gething)

Regards, Tim G

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