General User's Discussion

Comments and discussion on the general functionality of the application including look and feel, performance etc. This forum connects to a mailing list. All posts from the mailing list are submitted to the forum and all posts submitted to the forum will be sent to the list.


Does anyone know of an easier way to input stocktake data? I understand that we enter stock quantities for EVERY item under the stock location tab in the Products Module. What a job!!! This means thousands of entries and our practice has 5 locations. When we were operating with RX Works it was still a huge job but I used an Excel spreadsheet that i entered all the details for each item and clinic onto. I then uploaded this to update all stock levels and print off a financial report.

Browser is unable to find the web application


All was going well but today the browser is unable to find the web application. If I enter http://localhost:8080/openvpms/app as per normal I am getting :

The requested resource (/openvpms/app) is not available.

Dropping the last two words off the url brings up the tomcat server testpage without problem - so thats working and I have tried stopping/restarting mysql and tomcat to no avail. Mysql works OK too.

Any idea likely problem and a simple fix? other than reloading the various applications.

Thanks Geoff

Delivery entries removal?

Im getting to grips with how it all functions having finally entered our product database.

I have been trying out the delivery entry and have cleverly typed in and posted a number of trial packing slips only to discover that reversing them just gives me a longer list rather than having them disappear.

My question is, is there an easy way to clear posted delivery entries so I can return to the start. ie : no posted entries.

Re: character set utf8

//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"> I should have said that the release distributions provided on the openvpms website are configured to use UTF8 by default. e.g //">

invoicing / statement problems

Hi; a few little problems we are having that are largely because as a large animal practice we run quite a lot of accounts;
  1. if a client pays by direct electronic transfer (and sometimes even by post) they often put in the transaction number as their ID, yet we don't seem to able to track the client / invoice from that information; can that easily be done?
  2. if an invoice is entered days after the service, the only date that appears on the invoi

Word Processing advice please

Is anyone a Word guru?

Our boarding form prints in Duplex, Admission details on page one in Portrait format, daily records on the back in a Landscape Table. The Template in oVPMS opens and prints normally but for some reason when it is attached to a client using the New/Form in documents the back page forces itself into Portrait and cuts off columns.

The document used to print perfectly and apart from merge field changes to suit Open VPMS has not been changed.

Can anyone give me advice?

VIN posting

I just posted information on Open VPMS on (the Veterinary Information Network). I urge Open VPMS users who are VIN members to follow commentary and / or debate on VIN about vet software. Feel free to add your own perspectives on their experiences with Open VPMS. My VIN entry was as follows:

Deliveries module queries

1) When entering deliveries and updating prices there is nothing to tell you whether the 'auto-update' box has been ticked and therefore whether the sale price has in fact been updated without checking every item in the product field.
Would it be possible to either a) include the auto update box in the deliveries module so it can be ticked if necessary or b) generate a report at the end of the delivery that says what sale prices have been updated and what have not

New user inquiry

Hello everyone   We are setting up a new mobile veterinary service around werribee and wish to view the OpenVPMS in operation. We have had a look at one site but they had done lots of changes and advanced developements. I want to view the 'raw application' in use, to assess what it is capable of and how user friendly it is without any programming / customisation.   Any help wil be great. I can be contacted on 0401377300.

OpenVPMS Users

Hi All, I am being lazy and posting this without checking the previous topics. We are setting up a new mobile veterinary service and wish to view the OpenVPMS in operation. We have had a look at one site but they had done lots of changes and advanced developements. I want to view the 'raw application' in use, to assess what it is capable of and how user friendly it is without the need of further programming/customisation.

Any help wil be great. I can be contacted on 0401377300. Harry Singh

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