Duplicate Customers by Identical Address & Patient


This report template lists duplicate customers that have;


Duplicate Customers by identical address with patient 09 09 23.jrxml

1. At least one identical address.

2. An identically named patient.


Duplicate Customers by identical address 09 09 23.jrxml

1. At least one identical address.


Install the templates as normal. To use the report, run it and then enter the "Duplicate Value" into the "Contact" box of the Customer search dialog. The result will list all duplicates.



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Duplicate Customer Reports

Sandra @ Bellarine

Hi Matt,

I downloaded the Duplicate Customers by identical address with patient report, I was wondering what you use this for, is it just to clean up your database?  I ended up with a 66 page report !


Duplicate Customer Reports

Sandra @ Bellarine

Cancel that request Matt! I've just been working my way through the new posts on the forum (haven't been on for a while) and I found the original post relating to this report.  You're not wrong about being prepared for a large report!!!!




66 pages! Thats better then me!


We have gradually cleaned up our database. Having a duplicate check at new client creation might not be a bad idea then?



Matt C

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