1.7 Alpha - Suppliers/Generate Orders/No orders - OK fails

The 1.7 Alpha system has a very minimal stock control setup (if fact at the time I generated this bug, the 'Stock Control' flag was not set for the Practice Location - though it did have a Stock Location).  On the Suppliers|Orders screen, if you press the Generate Orders button, you get (correctly) a window saying 'No orders generated'. This has an OK button. The first time you press it, nothing happens, the second time you get a Failure screen saying "Failed to execute query: {0}."

The same behaviour occurs if you try to use the Red X at the top right of the window (ie 1st time nothing, 2nd time same failure message.

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Re: 1.7 Alpha - Suppliers/Generate Orders/No orders - OK fails

The query I'm using to determine stock levels inadvertently uses mixed case table aliases.

This works fine on Windows, but fails on Unix (http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/identifier-case-sensitivity.html )

I'll fix it in the next deployment in a few days time.


Re: 1.7 Alpha - Suppliers/Generate Orders/No orders - BUMP

Tim A - this is just to bump this. As far as I can see, this still doesn't work, and I am up to documenting the ordering system for CHS and I need to play with the ordering system. Note that if you do press the Generate Orders button, on the confirm window, there are the branch and supplier pull-downs. I seem to remember there was a critical levels checkbox as well.

I should clarify these situation:

a) the failure when you press OK does not occur [ie the initial probelm has gone away]

b) but pressing Generate Orders won't generate any orders - if you look at the stock situation for body bags, both small and large, then I would expect the system to generate an order for them

c) the Reorder Report failure (see http://www.openvpms.org/forum/1.7-alpha-failure-running-stock-reorder-re...) is still there.

Regards, Tim G

Re: 1.7 Alpha - Suppliers/Generate Orders/No orders - BUMP

The query only selects suppliers that are the preferred supplier for a particular product.

I've updated the report template to fix the table alias issue, and uploaded it to both alpha and


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