1.7B2 5541 Stock Reorder funny

I have a peculiar situation that because the conversion from RxWorks has just occurred, stock-control is turned on for the practice locations, but all the stock quantities are zero (ie stock qty, ideal qty, and critical qty).

I used one item which (correctly) set the stock qty = -1.

If I now run the order generation (ie Suppliers|Orders|Generate Orders) then it does not geneate an order.

Investigation shows that the problem is probably due to a rounding error. Here is the supplier info:

If I set the stock location info as follows:

then it will not generate an order. Setting Ideal=Critical=3 will not either, but Ideal=Critical=4 (or more) will generate the order.

If you run the Stock Reorder report, then it will not order if Ideal=Critical=0 but will if Ideal=Critical=1.

Regards, Tim G

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Re: 1.7B2 5541 Stock Reorder funny

The order generation is currently expecting the ideal quantity to be a multiple of the package size.

Raised as https://openvpms.atlassian.net/browse/OVPMS-1376


-Tim A

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