Customer activity export report excluding clients

Hi there,


Just wondering if anyone can help?? We are trying to do labels for our newsletter and for some reason the customer activity export report is randomly excluding clients. There does not seem to be any common theme as to who or why, hoping somebody has maybe come across this before??


Cheers Megan

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Re: Customer activity export report excluding clients

Hi Megan,

glad you posted this actually because I just noticed the same problem. The client that I noticed was excluded had a pet that was deactivated because they were euthanased/died. So not sure if this has anything to do with it, I haven't actually checked if other clients had been excluded. Hope someone can help with this.



Re: Customer activity export report excluding clients

Hi Megan and Ari,

I hadn't used this report before but I just ran it where it with options that should have picked up all clients and only got 2. I did some checking and the report won't list clients that have no classification (it's called category on the client details). I have no classification for all but 2 clients.

I have attached a copy of the report which doesn't have any filter for client category (classification).

From having a quick look at the report query I think that it's only picking up products sold that are sold via invoice and hence are linked to a patient (no counter sales). If the patient they were sold under was later deactivated the client would not show in the report, otherwise you could potentially send marketing info for deceased patients.

This can all be customised,

Matt Y.

customer activity export report 2.0.jrxml 17.72 KB

Re: Customer activity export report excluding clients

Thanks guys for the feedback

We don't use client category (classification) so that is not causing problem.

We don't use counter sales only invoice type (charge).

Not sure about about deceased patients, at least one client with no active patients is not printing but don't know if all are affected. Numerous clients with active patients are not being recognized.

Also have noticed another anomaly clients with a company name are printing without company name but with the contact person details only. Of which one is appearing alphabetically under first name not last name but is correct in customer information details. Also picking up home address not billing address eg PO Box.

Cheers Sue

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