Delivery button problem 1.4 Beta

Merry Christmas too all,

Firstly thanks for the update makes things simpler and the recent button is a real bonus.

I have a problem though I can no longer enter a delivery via the supplier screen.
Click on deliveries, click on New, click on delivery
New delivery screen comes up with the Supplier and the Stock location as usual
but if you click on OK nothing happens.
The OK button appears dead its not thinking about it it just doesnt function.

Normally click on OK and the New delivery screen comes up where we can type in goods.
Tried entering an order first (not how we function as use supppliers program to e order) but
even then still stall once choose order for delivery.

Problem occurs both on my clinic system and my separate test system at home.

Best Wishes


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This issue was also affecting the returns.

I've created a jira entry for it here:

Delivery button problem 1.4


Hi Tony/ Tim,

I see you have resolved the problem in the delivery fields. Is there a simple fix i can make in the archetypes or elsewhere so I can get this up and running again asap pending release of 1.4 beta 2 as this may be some time off.


Thanks Geoff






Delivery button problem 1.4

Hi Geoff and Others,


Tim has made the necesary fixes and I have tested and put together a new fixed web application archive for you to install test. This is not a formal release of course but shoudl solve the immediate issues.

The war can be downloaded from here

To install the new web application you will need to follow these steps:

  1. Download the war file.
  2. Rename the file to openvpms.war
  3. Stop Tomcat
  4. Navigate to the Tomcat webapp folder
  5. Delete the existing openvpms.war file
  6. Delete the existing openvpms folder
  7. Copy the new openvpms.war file to the webapps folder
  8. Start Tomcat.



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