Entering or uploading opening stock to a fresh install

For a fresh install of OpenVPMS we have stock quantities from our stock take. Whats the most expedient method of entering these? I can't seem to find a place to put them.

Can they be uploaded? Do we create a supplier called stock take and receive a delivery from this supplier?

Whats your optimum solution?

Regards Soraya.


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Re: Entering or uploading opening stock to a fresh install

Soraya: in the standard system they cannot be uploaded - ie there is no built-in facilty to import data for a CSV file containing stocktake data.  You can enter the counts manually the Products|Stock Management|Stock Adjustment transaction.

Regards, Tim G

Re: Entering or uploading opening stock to a fresh install

Thanks Tim.

What would happen if i put the stock take quantity in <entityRelationship.productStockLocation>quantity?

For customers, can their account balance go in <act.customerAccountOpeningBalance>amount?

Regards Simon

Simon Slater

Registered Linux User #463789 @ http://linuxcounter.net

Re: Entering or uploading opening stock to a fresh install

Simon - the name 'quantity' is misleading.  See https://openvpms.atlassian.net/browse/OVPMS-1443

In the 1.7.1 release, although the node name in the archetype is still 'quantity' (since changing this may have impacts on reports people have written as well as requiring code changes), the Display Name is now 'Adjust Quantity By' to correctly indicate what the field actually does.

So sorry - the adjustment qty (ie -3 == decrease by 3; +10 == increase by 10) goes in here, and the kettle code I sent you works out the number as Actual - Quantity.

In your system, the majority of the quantities will be zero. The only exceptions will be those with negative quantities because you have been issuing stock as you play with the system.


Customers:  two choices:

1) if you are loading in transactions from the old system (as I did) then just load the transactions and then run the genbalance script - this hammers through setting the customers balances to the sum of the transactions

2) if you are not loading the customer transactions, then either use kettle to generate the opening balance transactions, or do it manually using Customers|Account|New|Initial Balance

Regards, Tim G

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