How to access patient identities in an invoice

For complicated reasons, I want to retrieve the patient's identities for use in an invoice line item.

In the invoice items jrxml, I added a field as follows:

     <field name="[party:identities(openvpms:get(.,&quot;target.patient.entity&quot;))]" class="java.lang.String"/> 

However, this gives expression error. I tried "target.patient" - same error.

What is the magic formula?

Regards, Tim G

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Re: How to access patient identities in an invoice

The party:identities() function is expecting to be called with no arguments (i.e. its expecting to just use the xpath context). Not particularly useful, as the xpath context typically is supplied an act rather than a party.

I'll add a new function that takes a party argument.

Raised as

-Tim A

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