Invoice reversal and patient history

When an invoice is reversed in OpenVPMS, the patient history isn't updated to remove medication, documents, reminders and investigation entries associated with the original invoice.

For 1.7, the proposal is that when reversing an invoice:

1. Medication, documents, reminders and investigation items associated with the invoice are removed

2. Credit items are added to the patient history

3. The existing invoice items are retained in patient history

Does this work for everyone?



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Re: Invoice reversal and patient history

My only issue is say that an invoice is created for a client - and then the next day we realize the vet under/overcharged the lab charge linked to the investigation.  

I assume this would mean I would correct this via an credit/new invoice rather than complete reversal and reinvoicing.

I would be concerned about removing historical investigations because essentially this would mean any labwork sent out on the investigation ID would dissappear into the ether  (or atleast sit in the docloader folder)  even if a new investigation was created with the correct charge it wouldnt link to the result.

Re: Invoice reversal and patient history

Invoice items and medications are linked into the patient history, so it would be possible to unlink them if the invoice is reversed. They would still be accessible from the original invoice.

Under this approach, investigations would be retained.

Note that it wouldn't be possible to unlink a charge item or medication be creating a new new credit; you need to reverse the entire invoice. We could add support to reverse individual invoice items to support this.


Re: Invoice reversal and patient history

I would support reversing medications, templates and service items.


Re: Invoice reversal and patient history

p.s. was this feature implemented in 1.7?

Re: Invoice reversal and patient history

No it hasn't been implemented yet.

There is a JIRA here:

Note that the proposed implementation will only allow you to reverse an entire invoice; you won't be able to selectively reverse individual items to remove them from patient history.


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