More reminder Questions!

Hi Guys,

I have some basic reminder questions...we have only recently set them up...90% of our reminders are by email.


1. What is the cancel interval? Eg. if we run our reminders every 2 weeks, and our cancel interval is 8 weeks, does that mean that the client will receive a total of 4 reminders before we stop hassling them?

2. When we run the reminders, we have just been running them for the two-week period only. Eg: 1/7/2011-14/7/2011 >>> send. But I guess then we won't pick up the repeat reminders? So should we run the reminder period for the past eg: 6 weeks, every 2 weeks time? Does that make sense? If not, let me know and I can try describe further.

3. The way we have set up the product reminders is like this: Eg: we have a product called: F3 -12 month reminder, and a product called F3 - 1 month reminder, etc. So for each invoice we select the product with the appropriate reminder attached. BUT, how are they cancelled out. Eg: if we set a 1-month reminder and the client comes in for the booster - at which time we add the product with the 12-month reminder, how do we get it to 'cancel' the repeat 1-month reminder? Do we have to 'link' them or something?


Thanks again for your help!


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Re: More reminder Questions!

Hi Amanda,

1.  Cancel Interval.  Duringa reminder run reminders are all checked to see if the current date is greater than or equal to their original Due Date + Cancel Interval.  If they are they are marked as Cancelled and no reminder sent.  The number of reminders sent prior to a rminder being cancelled is dependent on your reminder type setup.

2.  When you run reminders you do not have to worry about looking backwards.  In the reminder type information you set the various reminder counts and the intervals for each.  This allows you to stipulate when the 1st, 2nd, 3rd etc reminder are sent.  The reminder system uses this information and the current reminders count (how many reminders sent) to work out when it is next due and if thsi fits in the date windows for the reminders being run then they will be sent.   

3.  In the reminder type information you will note a tab called Group.  You can define many groups and assign many reminder types to the same group or a single Reminder Tyepe to many groups. If you generate a new reminder that is in the same group as any other In Progress reminders the previous reminders in the same groups are marked as Completed.  In the case you cite you would possibly create a group VACCINATION as assign both the 1 month and 12 month Reminder Types to it.

Hope this helps a bit.



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