[OpenVPMS Developers] Email Host

Do you need to have an open email host server for the email feature to work? Is there a way to authenticate first to send emails?

-- Albert T. Wong VetAnyware, Veterinary Business Software Solutions

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Email Host

The app uses Spring's JavaMailSenderImpl class to send emails. If your SMTP server requires authentication, this can be specified in applicationContext.xml:


  <bean id="mailSender" class="org.openvpms.web.component.service.MailService" singleton="false">
      <property name="username" value="someuser"/>
      <property name="password" value="somepassword"/> 

Email Reminders- changed mail host

We have recently changed our email mail host/address. I have changed the mail host at "Practice Location" in admin but I am getting the message

"Could not sends mails:550 access denied-Invalid HELO name (See RFC2821"

Not sure what any of that means!

Judy Whigham

Re: Email Reminders- changed mail host

It means that the email server/client configuration is wrong.  Its very dependent on HOW the network is setup.

Assuming your OpenVpms server is just a client (and not also acting as a SMTP(email) server)  make sure that the mail settings you are using in openvpms are exactly what your mailhost told you to use.  

You may need to contact your implementor to correct this issue.

Its a email configuration issue unfortunately and not a Open related issue.  

This could even be a problem with your email hosts setup, you might try talking to them first.  Clarify, is the mailserver a shared server (serving multiple email domains) 

You can telnet to a mailserver to find out what HELO name its reporting when asked, but again this is probably an issue where you'll need on the ground support from your implementor.

You can try posting some of the configuration info here, NOT including usernames and passwords, but it may not help


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