Product price errors

Hey guys, we have recently flagged an issue in regards to pricing and was wondering if anyone had any suggestions as to how to fix this very stressful issue.


Lately our prices have been automatically randomally changing (mostly dropping byu a few dollars). After further investigation, i have realised that even tho we are manually altering the cost price, it seems to be automatically refering back to the cheaper supplier if more then one supplier is listed.

The only way i can seem to fix this short term is once a product has been recognised, go in and delete all suppliers execpt the current one to avoid confusion.

This is not an ideal solutions, as it is a long process, and we are running the risk of missing these prices.


Can anyone help please???

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Re: Product price errors

Hi Renee,

I would check to see which supplier has the "auto price update" flag set.  Typically unit cost price and hence selling price updates should only be triggered if the list price changes (directly or through deleiveries) and the auto price update flag is set on that supplier.  

If this is not the case then we will need to investigate further and may need some more specific information to diagnose.



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