Reversal not working properly

We have a supplier invoice which we attempted to reverse. We pressed the Reverse button on the Suppliers Account screen and a credit was generated (for the same value as the invoice). The problem is that the supplier balance is the sum of the credit and the invoice (both being positive) rather than the difference between the credit and the invoice (invoice positive and credit negative). We were expecting a zero balance rather than double the original invoice value which is what we now have. Can you please explain this behaviour?

When an invoice is finalised, can it be deleted, reversed, etc. Can a supplier be deleted if there are finalised invoices for that supplier?

Regards, Mary


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Re: Reversal not working properly

Unfortunately, you've discovered a bug.  I'll need to release a patch to correct this.

In the meantime, you'll need to administratively (i.e. using SQL) set the status of the Supplier Credit transaction to IN_PROGRESS. This will allow you to delete it.

You can't delete finalised invoices, and you can't delete suppliers with any financial records or product relationships.

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