Schedule column width


I feel like this has been asked before, but I can't find it when I search the forum.

Is there a way to specify the column width on a schedule?



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Re: Schedule column width

Greta - no - not directly (the width of a column expands to what is necessary to fit in the text).  We handle this via the schedule view expression. We use:

concat(substring(concat(openvpms:get(., ''),': ', openvpms:get(., ''),' ',openvpms:get(.,'customer.objectReference.lastName'),' =',substring(openvpms:get(.,'act.status'),1,2)),1,30),'\n',
substring(concat('[',openvpms:lookup(openvpms:get(., 'patient.objectReference'),'breed'),']'),1,30),'\n', 
substring(concat(openvpms:get(.,''), ':', openvpms:get(.,'act.reasonName'),' ', openvpms:get(.,'waiting')),1,30))

You can see that this is a concat of three substring(concat(....),1,30) expressions - ie we build the thing as 3 lines each a max of 30 characters.

So this comes out as:

You can see in the bottom appointment where the text has been truncated after 30 characters.

Regards, Tim G

Re: Schedule column width

Thanks Tim. Ours was 40, I have changed it to 30. Hopefully this will solve the columns becoming uneven if someone types a lot in one appt. We have 4 columns in one schedule and it is often pushing the last column off the screen if someone has zoomed in or out on their display.


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