Vaccination due date merge field

Hi all,

Is it possible to return a reminder due date for a product in openoffice? eg. Next vaccination due.

Many thanks,

Matt Young. 

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Re: Vaccination due date merge field

Hi Matt,

Depends on the context.

For Reminder letters it is possible as the context is a reminder so you can use the endTime field which represents the reminder due date.

For Vaccination Certificates not currently possible as the context is a Form which can have a link to the product that generated it but currently has no link to the reminder that may have also been generated by the product.

We have a Jira to add this functionality here



Vaccination due date merge field (Project created)

A development project has been created for this feature here

Vaccination due date merge field (Project costed at $850)

The project to allow users to add the next reminder due date for a patient to their patient forms has been costed and will work as follows.

Project link:

Revision & change in costing to $850 (22/11/11)

The logic to be used in this feature will be the form will get the next due date as follows:

1. If there the form was generated when billing an item, it will use that item to get the reminder due date. If there are multiple reminders linked to the item, it will use the one with the nearest due date.

2. If the form was created directly (ie. Not automatically during billing), it will use the reminder with the nearest due date for the product in the Product field.

3. If the form doesn't fit either description above, no due date will be returned.

Public pledges can be made to this forum topic or email me directly by clicking here (link only works in the forum).
Development will not commence until fully funded.

Matt C

Re: Vaccination due date merge field (Project costed at $850)

Can we add.....

4. The due date will be displayed and can be modified before the form is created.

Also, will this feature return a value with a field-name usable in .odts as well as .jrxmls?


Re: Vaccination due date merge field (Project costed at $850)

Hi Yuri,

Interactive reminder intervals is already in Version 1.5 (

As to whether Jasper reports (ireports or .jrxml) docs will have access to this function I would assume so but Tim would need to confirm.



Re: Vaccination due date merge field (Project costed at $850)

The function will be available to jasperreports, .odt and .doc templates.


Re: Vaccination due date merge field


Can someone please clarify the application of this field for end users? Does it mean we can insert this merge field into patient form or letter or reports?

I've used another software (Idexx Cornerstone) where all reminders for the patient can be printed on the end of the invoice (not just the reminder with the nearest due date). Is this a possibility with the development of this project?


Anthony (ActiVet)

Kind regards,

Anthony (ActiVet)

Re: Vaccination due date merge field

Hi Anthony,

Listing reminders of invoices better relates to this project (just fully funded)


The main intention for this field was indeed to insert it into forms. eg. Vaccination certificates, other forms.

Re: Vaccination due date merge field

Thanks Matt! I'll contribute 10% to this project.


Anthony (ActiVet)

Kind regards,

Anthony (ActiVet)

Funding Update: Vaccination due date merge field (10%)

A user has pledged 10% funding for this project!
(10% funded. $765 remaining)

Public pledges can be made to this forum topic or email me directly by clicking here (link only works in the forum).
Development will not commence until fully funded.

Matt C

Funding Update: Vaccination due date merge field (60%)

A user has pledged 50% funding for this project!
(60% funded. $340 remaining)

Public pledges can be made to this forum topic or email me directly by clicking here (link only works in the forum).
Development will not commence until fully funded.

Matt C

Funding Update: Vaccination due date merge field (100%)

A user has pledged the remaining 40% funding for this project!

Thanks for the two users who funded this project in it's entirety...

Public pledges can be made to this forum topic or email me directly by clicking here (link only works in the forum).

Matt C

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