Vaccine reminder

we had a call today from a client who had not received a reminder - the patients file had the correct reminder dates but for some reason no reminders were generated (sent = 0).

What settings should I be looking for that may have been entered wrongly for this client / patient to fail to get a reminder?

We are concerened how many others we may be missing. I know there is a staistics report for reminders but is there one that runs a check for missed reminders?





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Re: Vaccine reminder

1 Check the pet and client are not flagged as inactive and the pet hasnt been accidently marked as deceased

2. Check the reminder that was set .....  and then check its settings under ADMINISTRATION and then reminder type, 

                 Check the list of reminder ie

            0 Day  interval send letter  (check document exists

            30D send 2nd letter

             60D print to list. (reception to call)

3. Check the Reminder  itself for an error I had 1 that wasnt sending and returning an error .

   No Document Found for reminder xxxxxxxxx.

I had to delete the patient reminder and reset it.  then it worked


Screen shot the setting and post them here if you are not sure.

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