Recurring Appointments
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Development Project Status: Completed
You can either donate money to this project by entering the amount above and clicking the 'Add to cart' button, or you can pledge an amount by clicking here to email your commitment. If you make a pledge, then when we have 100% funding commitments, you will be notified by email and you can then make your actual donation. Note that development will not commence until all funds are received.
This project will add support for recurring appointments.
A recurring appointment repeats one or more times, but has the same start and end time, appointment type, customer, patient, reason, notes and clinician fields from the first appointment.
To support recurrence, appointments will have a Repeat field which may be one of the following options:
- None
- Daily
- Weekly
- Monthly
- Yearly
It will default to "None".
Appointments will also have a Repeat Period, which determines how often the appointment repeats. This may be one of:
- N times
- until a certain date
Daily Appointments
When "Daily" recurrence is selected, then appointments are scheduled to occur daily at the same time.
This may be changed to:
- Every N Days - where N is any value > 0. Defaults to 1; or
- Every weekday
Weekly Appointments
When "Weekly" recurrence is selected, then appointments are scheduled to occur weekly at the same time.
This may be changed to:
- Every N Weeks - where N is any value > 0. Defaults to 1; and/or
- On Mon/Tue/Wed/Thu/Fri/Sat/Sun. Each day may be selected. Defaults to the appointment day.
Monthly Appointments
When "Monthly" recurrence is selected, then appointments are scheduled to occur monthly at the same time. Note that if the date is not available in subsequent calendar months (e.g 31st), then that month will be skipped.
This may be changed to:
- Every N Months = where N is any value > 0. Defaults to 1; and
- On Every/First/Second/First/Fourth/Fifth/Last Sun-Sat day of month; or
- On 1-31 day. Each day may be selected. Defaults to the appointment day.
- Every 3 Months on the First Wednesday
- Every month of the 14th of the month
Yearly Appointments
When "Yearly" recurrence is selected, then appointments are scheduled to occur yearly at the same time.
Note that if the date is not available in subsequent calendar years (e.g 29th Feb), then that year will be skipped.
This may be changed to:
- Every N Years = where N is any value > 0. Defaults to 1; and
- Every N of Jan-Dec where N is any valid day for that month; or
- Every/First/Second/First/Fourth/Fifth/Last Sun-Sat day of Jan-Dec
- Every year on 31st August
- Every Friday of May
- Second Monday of December every year
- Every 3 years on 12th June
Editing Recurrent Appointments
If an appointment is recurrent, editing will display a dialog with the options "Edit this appointment?" and "Edit the appointment series?". If the former is selected, then any changes occur on the single appointment, and repeat options cannot be changed. If the latter, then changes are applied to all appointments in the series.
If a recurrent appointment is changed to non-recurrent, then all of the other appointments in the series are removed (provided they haven't been completed).
Deleting Recurrent Appointments
If an appointment is recurrent, deleting it will display a dialog with the options "Delete this appointment?" and "Delete the appointment series?". If the former, is selected then only the single appointment is deleted. If the latter, then all appointments that haven't been completed will be deleted.
Overlapping Appointments
If a recurring appointment overlaps another appointment, and the schedule doesn't allow double booking, the recurring appointment cannot be made.
Copying and Pasting Recurrent Appointments
If an appointment is recurrent, copying and pasting it will display a dialog with the options "Copy this appointment?" and "Copy the appointment series?".
If the forrmer, then only the single appointment is copied. It does not become part of the series.
If the latter, then the series will copied, subject to double booking contraints.
Re: Add Recurrence to Appointments
Above it states that this project requires the schedule blocking project but does it really require it?
Recurring appointments would be really useful for normal appointments.
I can't see why schedule blocking would be required so if this is true I will pledge 25%.
Re: Add Recurrence to Appointments
The schedule blocking project is required as that provides recurrence support.
Given that there have been no takers for either project, it may be better if the projects are restructured so that the recurrence support is moved into this project.
Re: Recurring Appointments
For all of you who would like to have the ability to generate multiple appointments and also block the scheduler according to vet availability this project has been costed and a very generous donor has paid $100 to get the ball rolling.
It only takes a small pledge from each person who will benefit greatly from this feature (most of us) to get it up and running in the next version.
Re: Recurring Appointments
Is this project still going? We would be interested in donating if it is. Is the only donation so far $100 out of $6750.
Re: Recurring Appointments
The project is still going, and the only donation so far is $100.
Re: Recurring Appointments
Hi all,
This would be really worthwhile for our practice. I will make a pledge to try and get the ball rolling and it would be great if we can get it accross the line for the next update.
Re: Recurring Appointments
Thanks very much for your pledge Sam and Greta. Yes, it's a bigger project than most but we now have 30% funding. who else would like this very useful feature?
Re: Recurring Appointments
Another generous donor has put $100 towards this project. Remember that it needs to be fully funded before it can go ahead. Many of you would find this a really useful enhancement in the next version of OpenVPMS if it is included.
Re: Recurring Appointments
We now have this project funded to 41%.
All users would really benefit from this feature. Why not donate some tax-deductible dollars to this project?
Re: Recurring Appointments
This project is now 70% funded. It doesn't need much more support to get it started and available to the whole community. Don't leave it to others to make these really worthwhile changes, why not make a small donation to get this over the line?
Re: Recurring Appointments
Hi guys,
I'm just wondering if this project is still 70% funded? We would really like this to go through before the next update.
Re: Recurring Appointments
Yes it is Greta, mostly by you guys I am sad to say even though I know many would like this feature to be developed
. We still need another $2,090 to get this over the line.There will surely be someone out there who can pitch in some tax-deductible dollars to make this happen.
Re: Recurring Appointments
This has been a bit of a group effort to get this over the line (with some heavy lifting by Greta and Sam) but it is finally fully funded and development will proceed as soon as possible to get this into the next release.
Thankyou to all of the donors to this project, your support is much appreciated.