Add support for different reminder templates per reminder count

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Development Project Status: Under Discussion

Due date for completion of this stage: 

At present, only a single document template may be associated with a particular reminder count.

This limits the format and content of reminders, as the same template must be used for both email and mail reminders.

This project will enable different templates to be used, depending on how reminders are being processed.

It will provide support for:

  1. different templates to be used if a reminder is being emailed or printed
  2. different templates to be used if grouped reminders are being emailed or printed


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Re: Add support for different reminder templates per ...

Tim - does this address my sugguestion of 'need to separate the templates for List and Report' so as the be able to a) print mailing labels; and b) print a copy of what is on the screen.

ie do you intend to enhance the Reminder Type so that instead of having a checkbox for List (which then uses the document template with type 'Reminder Report') there is the ability to specify the Document Template to be used for the List function?

Regards, Tim G

Re: Add support for different reminder templates per ...

I think that this is covered by the following project:

-Tim A

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