Email attachments enhancements
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Development Project Status: Completed
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This project will enhance the email window to enable:
- multiple attachments to be selected when clicking Attach in the email editor
- better support for deleting attachments on tablets
- customer account documents to be attached
- customer estimates to be attached
Multiple Attachments
The Attach Documents window will allow multiple documents to be attached by displaying a check-box next to each document.
Attachment Deletion
Currently, attachments are deleted by clicking on them and pressing the Delete key.
To better support tablets, an X icon will be displayed next to the attachment when it is selected. Clicking it will cause the attachment to be deleted.
Customer Account Documents
For customer and patient workspaces, the The Attach Documents window will include a Customer Account tab displaying invoices, payments, refunds etc to attach.
The tab will include:
- a dropdown to filter documents by type
This will allow multiple selection. By default, it will show all invoices and payments. - a status filter
By default, it will show all Finalised documents - a date range filter
This will allow documents to be filtered on date. It will default to all documents
Multiple documents may be selected.
Customer Estimate Documents
For customer and patient workspaces, the The Attach Documents window will include a Customer Estimates tab displaying estimates.
The tab will include:
- a status filter
By default, it will show all Finalised and Invoiced estimates - a date range filter
This will allow estimates to be filtered on date. It will default to all estimates - Multiple documents may be selected.
Multiple attachments won't be supported when clicking Attach File. This is due to a limitation of the web framework, echo2.
Re: Multiple email attachments, delete attachments
Works for me, can we please get this costed.
Thank you