The 3 C's
Workflow refers to all of the functionality within the workflow section of OpenVPMS. You'll find however, that because workflow is so entangled with the rest of the system (that's the point), that you'll see elements of it throughout the system. Those parts that you'll see most frequently, and the three most important elements of workflow are these.
Furthermore, as you have seen from all the other sections, there is a number of steps that you need to take to make sure that all the data are updated in the right places throughout the system. Workflow automates that process.
Usage Notes
There are several things that will assist you in using the "3 C's". Please pay very close attention to these.
- Each action (3 C's) kicks off a series of other actions throughout the system. This is a shortcut, on a grand scale.
- If ever clicking the "Cancel" during a workflow operation, it will cancel the workflow, not just that step. This seems to be particularly befuddling to new users. The simple solution is to never click cancel, and only click "Ok" or "Skip".
Check-in refers to anytime a patient enters the practice in such a way that we want to monitor its status. (Almost all of the time.) The idea here is very similar if you were to go to the hospital yourself. The check-in process gears up the practice to accept a patient into the facility. Here is a list of all the things that occur during a check-in:
- Patient forms are printed
- Work-list task is created (and linked to appointment if checked-in from appointment)
- A visit is created in the medical records
- Medical records can be edited
- Weight entry occurs (optional)
- Appointment status is updated (to waiting)
Tip: If you don't use the workflow, you'll be stuck doing all this manually!
The check-in button is most prominently found in the patient information, and on the appointment schedule.
The consult activity is much simpler than the others. This generally allows one to:
- Edit the medical records
- Edit the invoice
Often, a doctor will be using this functionality. When they're complete, they can click "Complete". This will have the effect of updating the associated task or appointment to the "Billed" status -- meaning read to check-out.
Check-out represents the departure of a patient. The Check-out workflow does the following (not in this order):
- Completes the worklist task.
- Completes the appointment.
- Prints all associated documents (including ones added through consultation).
- Allows for editing and finalization of the invoice (for last minute items).
- Payments can be made
There are several status in the system that should be used as cues to move patients from one step to the next. We're only considering the status as shown on the schedule for now. There is an associated set of statuses for task lists that may be added in a later version of this document. Here's a brief list of them, and how to bring them about:
Appointment Status
- Pending - Default status when appointment created.
- Waiting - Check-in from the schedule.
- In-Progress - Consult activity from schedule (or Worklist)
- Billed - Consult activity with pressing "Complete" at end of consult workflow.
- Admitted - Set manually in the schedule.
- Cancelled - Set manually in the schedule.
- Complete - Check-out activity from schedule (or Worklist).
Notice how the more important statuses are a direct result of a workflow activity.
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