Customer First Sale Export Report


This report is designed for exporting 'first sale' data for analysis.
It shows the customers who were created between the From date less 1 month and the To date AND has their first sale between the From and To dates.
The period is inclusive - ie from 00:00 on the From date through 23:59:59 on the To date.
If a product is specified then only sales that include the matching product(s) are shown.
Note that a trailing '%' is automatically added, so that entering 'b' will find Boarding, Bandage, etc.
The first (L) column gives the 'level', 0 for the customer and sale data, 1 for each product line.
The second (A) column is 1 if the customer is active, 0 if inactive.
The Amount/Qty column gives the invoice amount (for L=0 lines) or the product quantity (for L=1 lines).
For the L=0 lines, the product shown is that which resulted in the sale being selected.
For the L=1 lines, it is the product from the invoice line item.
The address shown is the billing address (ie preferred billing, else billing, else preferred, else other, using the most recent if multiple).
The email address and phone number shown are the preferred ones, else the most recent.

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