Export Invoice Items for Analysis
These two reports provide data for export to analyse sales. The '-User' version is a clone of the first which will ONLY report sales where the clinician is the current user. It is thus useful for enabling vets being paid on a production basis to ascertain their own sales but not to see the data for other clinicians.
The parameter screen is:
For the -User version, the Clinician paramter is preset to the current user's name and the report will display no data and an error message if this is altered.
The explanatory text for the -User version is as follows:
"This report is designed for exporting sales data for detailed analysis.
It will report ONLY the data for those items where the current user is the clinician. The Clinician parameter defaults to the current user and must be left unaltered otherwise the data display will be suppressed.
It works from the line item timestamps of invoices and counter sales.
The period is inclusive - ie sales from 00:00 on the start date through 23:59:59 on the end date.
Only finalised invoices and counter sales are included. The Amount column showns ex-tax amounts.
The data is ordered by line item timestamp.
All the text selection fields entered have % added so that leaving them blank will find all, and entering say Product Type %food will find all product types containing 'food' in their name, and Practice Location C will include all locations starting C. The selection is case insensitive.
If there is no Practice Location selection then customers with no Practice Location set will be included. Using the selection '-' will select just those with no Practice Location set.
The same applies for the Product Type selections.
The Practice Location is that set for the invoice/counter sale, and the Clinician is that set for the line item (which will never be set for counter sales).
The DayNum column gives the weekday index (0 = Monday, 1 = Tuesday, … 6 = Sunday). The Hour column is time as 0-23.
The Txn ID column gives the ID of the invoice or counter sale that contains this line item.
The Clinician, Practice Location and Product Type will show as '--None--' if these are not set.
The Flags column will contain 'H' if the parent invoice is hidden, 'R' if it reverses a credit, and 'D' if it has been reversed by a credit.
Note that when working with the data in a spreadsheet, you will probably want to remove the information and explanation lines following the data lines."
That for the 'all or any clinician' version is similar.
The output looks like: