Product List by Type and Markup


This report is designed to help with cleaning up product type and markup settings. The parameter screen is:

Explanation text is:

"This report lists the selected products by Product Type, ordered by their markup.

The left column indicates the Type of Product (M=medication, S=Service, G=merchandise ie goods) prefixed by an exclamation mark if the product is inactive.  If you select 'Include Inactive' but none of the medication, service or
merchandise types then all inactive products will be shown.
All the selection fields entered have % added so that leaving them blank will find all, and entering say product %vacc will find all products contain 'vacc' in their product name, and product type e will include all types starting E. The selection is case insensitive.
Setting the Product Type selection to '-' will find just the products with no Product Type set.
The markup selection is inclusive, ie From <= Markup <= To."

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