Product Sales Price Age Report


This report is designed to look for recently sold items and show when their prices were set. Since one can select only items whose price was set some time ago, one can look for products that perhaps should have their prices updated.

The parameter selection screen is:

The explanatory text is:

This report looks at the selected products sold in the last N months. It shows last sale date, the total quantity sold and the number of sales as well as the pricing structure of each selected product as at the current date.
The selection fields entered have % added so that leaving them blank will find all, and entering say product type 'n' will include all product types with names starting 'n' or 'N', and entering product name '%vacc' will find all products with names containing 'vacc'. The selection is case insensitive. For Product Type and Pricing Group selection, omitting the selection will include products with no product type or pricing group respectively, and using the selection '-' will find only those with no product type or pricing group.
The 'Price Starts Before' date (defaults to today) can be used to select only prices whose start date is prior to this - and thus can be used to find prices that have not been updated for some time.
If 'Linked Products only' is checked then only those selected products linked to a Product Price Template will be displayed and only the linked price(s) will be displayed.
Only active products are included.
The Include Tax parameter determines if prices are displayed including tax.
The left column indicates the Type of Product (M=Medication, S=Service, G=merchandise ie goods).
The Type column show F for Fixed, U for Unit prices, and LF for Fixed prices from a linked ProductPrice template. In the latter case the ID of the linked template will be shown in the Link ID column..
The list is ordered by product type, product name, price Type, price Name, price Start Time.

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