What is the bottom line real cost of testing and running OPENVPMS?


Hardware requirements centre around having enough memory  - really need 4gb min, otherwise check the other stup guides.  Discussing your requirements with a person who understands what you need to do is best.


OS: Windows most flavours that can run mysql /tomcat, or Linux ie you dont need a specific version but it must be able to run Tomcat/Mysql - People have it working on:-

  • WIndows xp
  • Windows 7
  • Windows Server 2003
  • WIndows Server 2008
  • Windows Vista (I think)
  • Theoretically will work on most windows versions that support java and mysql
  • Ubuntu Server (Linux)
  • MacOS - I think somone has it working on a Mac as well.

Cost of OS: Varies - Linux is free but you may need to pay for support if you need it.

Tomcat: is a freely downloadable web server. All versions Cost : 0


Mysql: the community edition is free and available on the mysql website. Cost : 0


OpenVpms: is downloadable here - Cost if you are just testing it = free, If you intend to use it commercially. Cost is 250 per vet per year for a subscription - which helps fund development costs.



So Total cost for self installation for testing or experimentation: $0.

Once you move to production or commercial use your obliged to buy the (what I consider really cheap) licence.

You dont need a VPN, VMWare,  Thin client, PACS server or any of that, Laboratory intergration etc - to run openvpms - those are all custom installation options that can be setup but are not required.

That being said:- Each persons requirements differ.  Openvpms is extremely flexible.  To some extent the sky is the limit.  Some of what you have asked cannot be covered here, because it applies generally to site setup for any system.  eg Email Setup, Thin Client browser access.

If you are looking for someone to IMPLEMENT Openvpms for you there are a number of options available, these are companies that can provide hardware, configuration, installation, data conversion and training at a cost, which varies.

Its generally preferred commercial implementers dont advertise here.  My advice would be to post an email address requesting commercial implementers contact you to discuss your requirements.



Ben Charlton

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