1.8 - need to extend Appointment authorities
1.8 introduces repeating appointments and adds an act.customerAppointmentSeries archetype.
If users who needed to manage appointments previously had AppointmentCreate/Remove/Save authorities, these need to be extended to cover the series appointments. The easiest fix is to change the archetype for these authorities from act.customerAppointment to act.customerAppointment*.
Note that this is the 2nd time in 2 days that I have been screwed because I do almost all my testing logged on as admin (with complete authority over all archetypes), rather than playing with the system logged in as a 'normal' user.
Tim A - yet another tweak needed in the migration script - but this one is easier - just find any authorities with act.customerAppointment and change it to act.customerAppointment*.
I will add a note to the implementation checklist at http://www.openvpms.org/documentation/csh/1.8/new-features/implementatio...
Regards, Tim G