Forum Revamp!

I also propose we revamp the Openvpms forums....

Obviously we had to introduce spam prevention into the forum after the spam attack that occured in January. 

Is it possible to allocated member levels : whether that be automated or moderated. 

We create a group of moderators and our senior forum members, a member group and a new member group.

New members would be able to post but would continue to use word verification or other spam prevention.

Members would be able to post and edit their own p osts. No verification required or verification required if posting links etc or maybe triggered after 5 posts inside 30minutes

Senior members could post and edit their own posts. No verification

Moderaters can change member levels, post, edit all posts. delete posts.


I think the forum is fantastic even in its current iteration.  but I think it would be nice to be able to access an overview/customize access so I can see what I have replied to, mark posts I want to track replies on etc.  If I am providing help to people I dont want to scroll down posts to find that post and check for replies etc.

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