Question for users that use OPENVPMS's ordering system and delivery system

If you create orders and send them with OPENVPMS, I am wondering if you guys could check the ORDER window and look at all the orders with STATUS: Accepted.  Now look at the the Delivery Status.

I am assuming many of these orders have indeed been delivered and a "invoice" appeared in the delivery workspace which toyr staff checked off

This applies if your system recieves the "deliveries into your "DELIVERIES" workspace automatically. If you manually create your deliveries by clicking the NEW button in the DELIVERY workspace this doesnt apply.

I am assuming many of these orders have indeed been delivered and a "invoice" appeared in the delivery workspace which your staff would have finalized to check off the delivery.

My question : do most of the orders in the ORDER workspace have the Delivery Status listed as PENDING? 

If poeple could respond below that would be helpful.  If you order from more than one supplier and you notice that there is a difference that would help as well.





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