removing the mailman mailing lists

Hi all,

Does anyone have any objections to the mailman mailing lists being removed? They cause alot of hassle and issues and their functionality has largely been replaced by subscribing to posts to a forum or one of the forums in general and just following the link in the email to go directly to the thread if you want to have your say. 

If you're not sure if you receive your emails from the mailing list it sends all emails starting with [OpenVPMS Users] and the to address in your received emails will be OpenVPMS User Mailing List <users[at]lists.openvpms[dot]org>. If it doesn't have this then it won't affect you.

If you are on the mailing list and want to subscribe to posts from the forums just visit

and click the subscribe link under the forum of interest to you. 

If no-one indicates any objections the mailing lists will be removed.

Matt Young

OpenVPMS website administrator

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