User Development, Pledges, New Fea tures.....

Message from

I had a query this week from a regular supporter and frequent pledger to

They reminded me that I had said a long time ago, that OpenVPMS freed clinics
to spend what they would have spent on licensing with other vendors on good
IT support and customised development. It is a philosophy they have adopted
since Version 1.3.

Their question was with 100 clinics now using OpenVPMS, how many had adopted
the same philosophy?

I don’t have an answer but I do have some statistics;

o        Since Version 1.3 we have raised almost $34,000 in user
donations for user inspired new features or improvements. This excludes all
industry support.

o        70% of this total has come from 7 clinics. In total we have
23 clinics donating to new features.

Perhaps it is worth considering what would your clinic be spending on
licenses if you weren’t using OpenVPMS?

Can rattling done for the  day.

Matt C

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