OpenVPMS 2.4
The OpenVPMS development team is pleased to announce the release of OpenVPMS 2.4.
See New in 2.4 for a summary of new features.
The release can be downloaded from the Download page.
See Installing OpenVPMS for installation instructions.
See Known Issues for any known issues with this release.
Upgrading OpenVPMS
See Upgrading an existing system for general instructions on upgrading from an earlier release.
NOTE: these instructions have changed since the OpenVPMS 2.3 release.
See Implementation Checklist for specific changes that need to be made.
See Requirements for the pre-requisites for this release.
OVPMS-2553 Add support for departments
OVPMS-2560 Change printers
OVPMS-2605 Add support for user signatures in JasperReports
OVPMS-2617 Strong password support
OVPMS-2618 Force password change
OVPMS-2619 Forgot password support
OVPMS-2644 Add support to authenticate IMAP and SMTP connections using OAuth2
OVPMS-2655 Email template attachments
OVPMS-2703 Add firewall support
OVPMS-2806 Product tasks
OVPMS-2917 Include a Fit to Fly Certificate
OVPMS-1194 Kill blocking OpenOffice tasks
OVPMS-1198 Add support for forms with static content
OVPMS-1954 Add support to cancel Print, Print Preview, and Mail
OVPMS-2325 Add Product Type filtering to Product Workspaces and selectors
OVPMS-2520 Add support to store JasperReports logos in the database
OVPMS-2554 Add appointment type option when testing Appointment Reminder SMS Template
OVPMS-2556 Create read-only database user for reporting connections
OVPMS-2663 Enable laboratory services to validate orders prior to submission
OVPMS-2681 Customer Group Email Template
OVPMS-2688 Display practice logo on login screen
OVPMS-2698 Improve appointment query times by limiting index range scans
OVPMS-2699 Scale title logo
OVPMS-2724 Add support to flag appointments as 'No Show'
OVPMS-2731 Improve memory footprint of Hibernate's QueryPlanCache
OVPMS-2745 Require multifactor authentication of 'Connect From Anywhere' users
OVPMS-2746 Add Source Number to Microchip information
OVPMS-2758 Provide domain API support to create and update customers and patients
OVPMS-2759 When editing schedules, order appointment types by name
OVPMS-2770 Improve External Edit by utilising the jnlp: protocol
OVPMS-2794 Automatically complete reminders generated the same day they are due
OVPMS-2812 Close batch print dialog on Check-Out if all selected documents have been emailed
OVPMS-2813 Enable automatic appointment reminder after manual reminder
OVPMS-2821 Account Reminder Sender Job doesn't use customer account type payment terms
OVPMS-2853 Updated 2.4 Templates
OVPMS-2860 Include a Printed Description in products, to be included in estimates and invoices
OVPMS-2866 Document template revisions
OVPMS-2868 Add support to record customer referral
OVPMS-2881 Display Notes column in Customer charges, payments and accounts workspaces
OVPMS-2891 Customer Sales report - Add Account Type filtering
OVPMS-2913 Support long practice names on Letterhead templates
OVPMS-2916 Update Restricted Drug Sales Report to include stock on hand
OVPMS-2921 Customer Product sales report - Increase qty precision
OVPMS-2922 Customer Product Sales Report - Only include posted Transactions
OVPMS-2924 Provide templates for PetSure claim pre-approvals
OVPMS-2926 Email template default email address
OVPMS-2928 Highlight investigation and document records in patient history
OVPMS-2947 Add support to print investigation results in Workflow - Investigations
OVPMS-2948 Add support to print investigation results when no document is attached
OVPMS-2953 Provide total quantity in Customer Product Sales Report
OVPMS-2433 Reposition balloon help popup if it overflows
OVPMS-2676 Update database script to support MySQL 8
OVPMS-2683 Force SmartFlow Sheet calls to timeout after 20 seconds
OVPMS-2693 Add microgram unit-of-measure
OVPMS-2705 Prompt to download documents where printing isn't supported
OVPMS-2714 Remove X-Fowarded-For support
OVPMS-2715 Prevent webapp start-up if the database migration is ahead of the current version
OVPMS-2716 Improve Reporting - Reminders query performance
OVPMS-2718 Suppress Tomcat org.apache.jasper.servlet.TldScanner.scanJars message
OVPMS-2736 Suppress display of customer and patient alerts where the alert type has been deactivated
OVPMS-2737 Change appointment confirmed tick icon
OVPMS-2741 Add support to configure product name 'contains' searches
OVPMS-2744 Prevent patient change if an appointment is linked to a visit or task
OVPMS-2755 Provide domain API support for referral vets
OVPMS-2764 Improve mail dialog attachment processing
OVPMS-2767 Add support for one-way HL7 pharmacies
OVPMS-2768 Skip UTF-8 byte order mark when reading CSV files
OVPMS-2776 Limit weight range
OVPMS-2779 Change appointment status from Confirmed to Pending if it moves
OVPMS-2784 Improve performance of query to determine if a user has new messages
OVPMS-2788 Provide API to open till drawers
OVPMS-2799 Add plugin support to query customers and patients by contact details
OVPMS-2800 Add support to configure logging at runtime
OVPMS-2804 Provide support to limit the no. of pages a JasperReport can generate
OVPMS-2814 Accept ESCI invoices with rounding errors in the line extension amount
OVPMS-2816 Change Patient.getBreedName() to use the newBreed field if present
OVPMS-2819 Provide archetype units assertion
OVPMS-2822 Improve JasperReports error reporting when images cannot be found
OVPMS-2827 Patients - Medical Records - Insurance table should include claim date
OVPMS-2830 Support online booking matching on last name + 2 contacts
OVPMS-2852 Provide general purpose support for retrying operations
OVPMS-2862 Use doses when calculating prescription quantities
OVPMS-2863 Include the Customer Discount Report in the release distribution
OVPMS-2865 Implement newInstance() for concrete TaskActEditors
OVPMS-2867 Improve sort performance when Show Templates or Show Product Types enabled
OVPMS-2877 Standardise the area available for the practice logo in email templates
OVPMS-2878 Change laboratory API to use Employee rather than User
OVPMS-2894 Reminder processors for list and export should retry on failure
OVPMS-2896 Include email templates for overdue customer accounts
OVPMS-2897 Update Install Requirements
OVPMS-2906 Provide reporting function to get the latest policy for a patient
OVPMS-2912 Enable work lists to be deleted if they are only linked to task types
OVPMS-2925 Generate documents for Letters on save
OVPMS-2950 Add support to report on composite collection nodes in JasperReports
OVPMS-2951 Clean laboratory test data prior to import
OVPMS-2586 No node found named patient in archetype act.auditMessage
OVPMS-2711 Product copy fails if a stock relationship refers to a non-existent preferred supplier.
OVPMS-2738 Cannot External Edit documents with & in name
OVPMS-2739 Cannot add target with archetype act.EFTPOSPayment to node named eft in archetype act.customerAccountRefundEFT
OVPMS-2740 Prevent patient change after check-in
OVPMS-2754 Incorrect to email address when emailing from Charges and Accounts when customer has no email.
OVPMS-2756 Location filter for SMS replies doesn't work
OVPMS-2757 Laboratory Order authorities missing from Base Role for sites installed post 2.2
OVPMS-2762 NPE if a patient-owner relationship is removed after charging
OVPMS-2763 Visit reason selector now does starts-with searches, not contains searches
OVPMS-2765 Insurance Claims Report doesn't support Incomplete status query
OVPMS-2766 Insurance Claims Report doesn't support date range query
OVPMS-2769 JNLP file being downloaded without extension
OVPMS-2772 EntityNotFoundException during account balance generation
OVPMS-2773 NPE viewing stock on hand
OVPMS-2774 NPE changing location
OVPMS-2775 Cutting/copying a roster shift doesn't preserve the shift end time
OVPMS-2782 Invoice item product can be changed after order submission to HL7 pharmacy
OVPMS-2785 Prevent creation of insurance claims if the current patient has no owner
OVPMS-2786 'There is a limit of a single active Firewall' error displayed when editing firewall
OVPMS-2787 SMS-0040: No phone number specified
OVPMS-2795 'REPORT-0030: Unsupported document template: act.patientDocumentAttachment' during claim submission
OVPMS-2797 Cannot upload jpg and png attachments
OVPMS-2803 Generate Orders doesn't exclude Part delivered orders where the received quantity > ordered quantity
OVPMS-2815 Document Template orientation displays as Portrait after setting to None
OVPMS-2820 Incorrect population of HL7 clinician fields
OVPMS-2824 Practice Summary_ProdSalesLocation.jrxml and Practice Summary_ProdSalesType.jrxml include unfinalised charges
OVPMS-2828 Unsupported document template: act.patientInvestigation
OVPMS-2829 AppointmentReminderJob should reject invalid phone numbers
OVPMS-2834 ChangeThemeDialog should reload practice before changing theme
OVPMS-2836 IndexOutOfBoundsException displaying appointments
OVPMS-2839 BatchPrinter should retry print flag update if it fails
OVPMS-2841 IndexOutOfBoundsException displaying roster
OVPMS-2845 Consult workflow terminates with a reportable error if the Task is modified by another user.
OVPMS-2847 party:identities() jxpath function only works for party.patientpet instances
OVPMS-2851 Alerts not recreated if a patient is changed on an invoice item
OVPMS-2864 Default Payment Type displays as an editable dropdown when viewing the Practice
OVPMS-2869 New Flow Sheet ignores work list Expected Hospital Stay
OVPMS-2870 Customer account type renders as a tab when viewing customer
OVPMS-2876 Investigation Type can be changed on Laboratory Tests managed by plugins
OVPMS-2880 Customer address block blank in A5 statement
OVPMS-2882 Online booking doesn't set the the appointment reason
OVPMS-2887 Email reminder templates should use product name if printed name not present
OVPMS-2889 Stock Valuation report - Back dated valuation incorrect
OVPMS-2890 Stock Movement Report - Show incorrect quantity and Action for Credits
OVPMS-2895 Cannot add TOTP Secret without security.user save authority
OVPMS-2899 Manually created Deliveries based on an Order cause an error during finalisation
OVPMS-2900 Clickatell Plugin cannot process some ERROR states
OVPMS-2901 HL7 tests can be linked to laboratory managed investigation types
OVPMS-2902 Handle 400 Bad Request responses from Clickatell
OVPMS-2908 ClassCastException switching from a non-boarding to a boarding view in Free Appointment Slots
OVPMS-2918 Generate Orders rounds up when determining which products need ordering
OVPMS-2919 Practice Summary Report - Appointment Counts by Clinician/Type - Incorrect Counts/Percentages
OVPMS-2920 Updating printed flag should be retried
OVPMS-2923 Invalid characters in multiline text causes rendering to fail
OVPMS-2929 Practice Summary - Appointment Counts by Clinician report customer total incorrect
OVPMS-2933 Reversing a Delivery clears the credit flag on the Return
OVPMS-2936 Line item dates in Statement templates truncated
OBF-217 ArchetypeService not validating minLength or maxLength properties of nodes on save.
OBF-286 Cannot query Party attributes when the Party is joined from an entity relationship