[OpenVPMS Developers] openvpms-archetypes 1.2 released
Submitted by tanderson on Thu, 07/08/2008 - 18:01
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Version 1.2 of openvpms-archetypes is now available.
This contains the following changes since the 1.1 release:
- [//openvpms.atlassian.net/browse/ARCH-3">ARCH-3] - Overdue and account fee balance calculation incorrect
- [//openvpms.atlassian.net/browse/ARCH-5">ARCH-5] - CustomerBalanceSummaryQuery returns incorrect balances when multiple customers have the same name
- [//openvpms.atlassian.net/browse/ARCH-6">ARCH-6] - AppointmentQuery doesn't set arrivalTime property if not present in the act
- [//openvpms.atlassian.net/browse/ARCH-2">ARCH-2] - Restrict party.organisationPractice to a single active instance
- [//openvpms.atlassian.net/browse/ARCH-4">ARCH-4] - Improve performance of tax and discount calculations
The release jar has been deployed to the OpenVPMS maven repository at: href="http://maven.openvpms.org/org.openvpms/jars/openvpms-archetypes-1.2.jar">http://maven.openvpms.org/org.openvpms/jars/openvpms-archetypes-1.2.jar The source code is available from: svn://svn.openvpms.org/openvpms/archetypes/tags/openvpms-archetypes-1.2