Generating a subscription key

In the normal case, a user buys an Annual Subscription and the system automatically generates and emails their subscription key when their payment is received (ie immediately for PayPal payments or when the order is marked as payment-received by the store manager).

However, it may be necessary to generate a key separately.

To do this the store manager generates a order for the user for the product 'Subscription Key'.  This is a zero cost product.

The process is as follows:

Use Store Administration|Orders|Create Order (ie which will display:

Use the 'Search for an existing customer' link to select the customer (or if necessary create a new customer), and then click the 'Create order' button.

This will display:

Use the 'Select from address book' button to select the customer's address. The fields that we need and the first and last names and the Practice Name - the rest do not matter in this case.  We also do not need the ABN number.

Further down the screen:

Select the payment method 'Free order', then press the Add product button, click on 'Subscription Key' and then press the Select button.

This will give:

Click the 'Add to order' button which will give:

If you want you can click on the 'Add an admin comment' link to add one, else click the 'Submit changes' button.

This will give:

Now click the View tab to get:

Down the bottom change the Order status from 'Pending' to 'Payment received' and click the Update button.

This will give:

The process is now complete and the subscriber will receive their key via email.

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