[Patient Module] Slow plug-ins in Mozilla
Submitted by samuelrs on Tue, 04/12/2007 - 23:19
Hi List,
I have recently installed OpenVPMS in our referral practice in Melbourne and have been having trouble getting open office documents to open reliably for editing (generating my referral letters via the patient letter utility). After consultation with Tony, he suggested that the Mozilla plug-in may be the issue. I have changed the mozilla plug in to open open office documents directly with Open Office and have not had a problem since. If editing patient letters, doing it this way eliminates one step.
The changes were made in Mozilla under tools--> options--> content.
Anyone experience similar issues?
Anyone interested in sharing merged document templates. A topical letter could be a document that is attached to 10 ml Metacam to be given to owners of cats explaining the off-label use in that species. See this month's VicVet?