Administrator copy options
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Development Project Status: Under Discussion
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This project will provide administrators the ability to copy the following objects in the Administration workspaces:
- Administration - Organisation:
- Schedules
- Work Lists
- Administration - Types:
- Appointment Types
- Cage Types
- Calendar Block Types
- Discount Group Types
- Discount Types
- Investigation Types
- Patient Alert Types
- Product Types
- Reminder Types
- Task Types
- Administration - Document Templates
- Appointment Reminder SMS Templates
- Document Templates
- Email Templates
- Patient Reminder SMS Templates
- System Email Templates
- Administration - Users
- Administration - Roles
In each case, a Copy button will be displayed when a copyable object is selected.
Clicking Copy will:
- copy the object, assigning it a new name Copy of <original object name>
- save it
- display the copy in an editor
NOTE: the save step could be skipped, so that the copy is only saved after the user has edited/reviewed it. This would also allow the copy to be cancelled, without requiring a deletion step. It is more complex to implement.