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Change order of Check-In flow so Weight is before Templates and notes
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Submitted by Matt C on Tue, 08/11/2011 - 23:34
Development Project Status: Completed
Total cost estimate (ex-Tax):
$355 Release:
Current Percentage Funded:
100.00% Project description:
Forum: http://www.openvpms.org/forum/checkin-process-order
JIRA: https://openvpms.atlassian.net/browse/OVPMS-1088
Would it be possible to change the checkin process so that the very first screen is the patients weight followed by forms and notes.
The way that it works currently forms printed at checkin are printed with the patients previously recorded weight which is generally wrong. We have removed the patient weight field from our forms and manually record it but it would save a little time if the correct weight could be added to forms automatically.
Public pledges can be made to this forum topic or email me directly by clicking here (link only works in the forum).
Development will not commence until fully funded.
Matt C