Charging Notes
Donate to this project
Development Project Status: Under Discussion
You can donate money to this project by entering the amount above and clicking the 'Add to cart' button. In the Checkout process you can either choose to pay now (via Bank Transfer, Cheque or Pay Pal) or you can pledge the amount by choosing the 'Pledge a payment for a Development Project' method. If you make a pledge, then when we have 100% funding commitments, you will be notified by email and you can then action your payment. Note that development will not commence until all funds are received.
This project will add a Charge Note field to Merchandise and Service products.
This will be displayed in a popup when the products are added to an Estimate, Invoice, or Counter Sale.
This could be used in the following scenarios:
- Estimating a service: Fancy blood test
Charge Note: "Unlike other tests, DO NOT ask owner to fast their pet. Make sure they get the special Fancy Blood Test form before they leave your consulting room so they can bring it with them on test day"
- Selling over complicated Merch: Dog lead
Charge Note: "This lead comes with the free collar stored behind the front desk."
- Billing a service with special considerations: Lab test on Lump
Charge Note: "This fee only covers one lump. If you are sending multiple lumps use, MULTI LUMP HISTOPATHOLGY"
When a product is charged that has a Charge Note, a popup will be displayed, with the name of the product, the current quantity and the Charge Note.
This is purely informational; the product and quantity cannot be changed.
An OK button is used to close the window.