Charging templates from Smart Flow Sheet
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Development Project Status: Under Discussion
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At present, Smart Flow Sheet can be used to bill Medication, Service, and Merchandise products.
This project will enable Smart Flow Sheet to bill Template products. This will streamline charge capture in sites where Smart Flow Sheet is used predominantly used for patient visit management.
This will support:
- template expansion, when invoiced
- removal of invoice items, if the the corresponding treatment is removed in Smart Flow Sheet
- removal of invoice items, and re-invoicing, if the corresponding treatment quantity is changed in Smart Flow Sheet
Template Expansion
If a Template is billed in Smart Flow Sheet, this will be expanded on customer invoice. If product doses or weight based charges this will use the patient's current weight.
To support subsequent amendments, meta-data will be associated with expanded items.
Treatment Removal
If a treatment is removed in Smart Flow Sheet that previously resulted in a template expansion, each item in that expansion will be:
- removed, if the corresponding invoice is not finalised
- credited, if the corresponding is finalised
Treatment Amendment
If the quantity for a treatment is changed in Smart Flow Sheet that previously resulted in a template expansion, each item in that expansion will be removed or credited, as per Treatment Removal above. The template will then be expanded again, using the new quantity.