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Filter and sort patients by date
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Submitted by tanderson on Sun, 24/02/2013 - 17:11
Development Project Status: Under Discussion
Due date for completion of this stage:
24/02/2013 For customers with large no.s of patients, it can be difficult to locate patients.
This is especially true for in house customers that are used to track strays and wildlife patients.
This project would change the patient browser to:
- support filtering patients between a particular date range e.g. only return patients related to the current customer since 20/1/2012
- support sorting by relationship start date or end date
This facility would only be available when a customer is selected.
In the patient listing in customer information, the Details column would be split into three columns indicating
- the type of the relationship (e.g. Owner, Location)
- the relationship start time
- the relationship end time
Each of these columns would be sortable.