Grouped Reminders and other refinements of the reminder system
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Development Project Status: Completed
This initiative includes the following features;
A) Grouped Reminders -
This is the ability to merge reminders for patients owned by the same patient.
B) Modified Reminder Update -
This initiative includes the following features;
A) Grouped Reminders -
This is the ability to merge reminders for patients owned by the same patient.
B) Modified Reminder Update -
This is the ability to handle errors/interruptions during the reminder process.
C) Reprinting Reminders -
This is the ability to to allow printing and re-printing of reminders from Patient Reminders workspace
Current % Funded: 100%
60 hours @ $75/hr = $4500
Thank you for all those that contributed to funding this user driven development!
Completed and scheduled for deployment in Version 1.4