Improve Add Visit and Note

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Development Project Status: Cancelled

Due date for completion of this stage: 
Project description: 

This project is cancelled:

  • support to edit the visit reason was added for 2.0, OVPMS-1988
  • other requirements are covered by OVPMS-2010 Prevent Add Visit & Note if there is an existing visit


The "Add Visit & Note" button in Patients - Medical Records and the Visit editor is a shortcut for creating a new Note linked to a new Visit.

This project will improve this feature by:

1. Allowing the Visit Reason to be edited

Currently, only the Note may edited. To set the Visit Reason, the Visit must be edited separately.

To simplify this, a new dialog 'New Visit & Note' will be created that supports editing both the Reason of the Visit, and the Note.

2. Prompting if an active Visit exists

Currently, "Add Visit & Note" will always add a new Visit. This can lead to multiple active Visits being created, when only one is desired.

This will be changed so that if an active Visit exists, a prompt is displayed:

There is currently an 'In Progress' Visit dated dd/mm/yyyy. Do you want to create a new Visit?

Pressing 'Yes' will create a new Visit and Note.

Pressing 'No' will create just the Note.

Presssing 'Cancel' will abort.

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