Move overlapping appointments and calendar blocks
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Development Project Status: Under Discussion
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Repeating appointments and calendar blocks are scheduled to occur at the same time each day. If a repeat overlaps an existing appointment or calendar block, a message will be displayed indicating that it cannot be scheduled.
This project will:
- provide a listing of all appointments/blocks in a series, prior to it being created
- enable individual appointments/blocks to be:
- moved to a different date/time
- deleted
When creating or editing a repeating appointment or calendar block, a Repeats tab will be shown that includes a table listing the:
- date and time of the repeat
- whether it overlaps an existing appointment or calendar block
When a repeat is selected, the schedule for that day will be displayed, allowing it to be moved or deleted
Updating repeats
If the repeats change, any appointments or blocks that have been moved will be removed
TODO - could relax this so that if no dates have changed, repeats in different time slots are kept.
Moving repeats to a different schedule will not be supported.