Online Laboratory Price Update support

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Development Project Status: Seeking Funding

Total cost estimate (ex-Tax): 
Due date for completion of this stage: 
Project funding: 
You can donate money towards this project by emailing info[at]openvpms[dot]com.
If you make a pledge, then when we have 100% funding commitments, you will be notified via email and invoiced to proceed with payment. 
Note that development will not commence until all funds are received.
Project description: 

This project will extend the functionality provide by the Laboratory Price Update project to those online laboratory providers integrated via the Laboratory API.

It will provide support to update product prices associated with Laboratory Tests.

1. Product price updates can be triggered by clicking a button, Update Product Prices, in Admininistration - Laboratory

  • This is only available when a laboratory provider is selected.
  • This will examine all of the tests associated with the laboratory, that have a non-zero price.   

2. Products that use the tests will be shown in an Update Product Prices window

  • The window will display the product, associated test(s), new cost and unit price, and the existing cost and unit price
  • Products are only shown if their current cost price is different to the sum of the test prices.
  • Users may select the products that should be updated.
  • By default, all those products whose unit prices will increase will be selected.

3. Product price updates may also be triggered after clicking the Synchronise Data button in Administration - Laboratory

  • This will check the prices of products associated with any tests that were updated
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