Practice Location Branding
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Development Project Status: Completed
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1.8 introduces two features that make it important that the Practice Location is set appropriately: the practice location set in the customer information screen (which defaults to the current location when the customer is created), and the service ratio pricing facility (where the pricing of items is dependent of the practice location set when the invoice is created).
This project will enable the OpenVPMS logo shown at the top left of the screen to be a function of the currently selected practice location. This graphic is 27x128 - but can have a larger width to accomodate practice location information. In the example below it has been extended to 384 pixels wide. Here the practice location is indicated by both the text and its background colour. Note that although consideration was given to altering the screen's background colour as a function of the current practice location, it was decided that it was best to reserve the background colour to allow its use for distinguishing production and test systems.
The graphics will be stored in the database (so as to simplify migration) and specified via the Administration|Organisation|Practice Location screen.
It is up to the user to specify an appropriately sized graphic (27 high and up to 512 wide). The image format can be gif, png or jpg. The standard graphic to use as a start-point can be found at <TOMCAT-HOME>\webapps\openvpms\images\openvpms.gif